WiseNetAsia co-organized the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Healthcare and Tourism Seminar
25 April 2018: WiseNet Asia, the leading regional integrated human resources services provider, jointly organized the inaugural ‘China-Singapore (Chongqing) Healthcare, Elderly Care and Tourism Cooperation Seminar’ to facilitate cross border talent needs and to foster closer business collaborations. The event is hosted and jointly organized by the Chongqing Connectivity Administrative Bureau and Enterprise Singapore under the Ministry of Trade of Industry.

Peng ZhiMing, Deputy Director of CCI

From left: Peng ZhiMing, Deputy Director CCI; Wesley Hui, Director of Wisenet; Sean Wu, SVP, Corporate Development & Risk Management, Straco Corporation
From Chongqing Connectivity Initiative’s (CCI) inception since Nov 2015 with its original four areas of collaboration in financial services, aviation, transport & logistics, and information & communications technology, CCI’s success such as Southern Transport Corridor and Strategic Connectivity has enabled expansion into other areas of collaboration that includes Healthcare, Elderly Care and Tourism. To date, a total of S$27 billion has been invested under CCI.
“Through jointly organizing this CCI event, we hope to create more awareness on the expanded business opportunities for both SMEs and MNCs. There is a general misconception that these are only large investment projects for MNCs. With the available projects shown in this event, there are smaller scale collaboration projects between government-private or both private organizations. With the right talent in the driver seat, any small or mid-scale projects will grow in scale,’’ according to Wesley Hui, Director of WiseNet Asia.
View more:
Event day coverage in Channel News Asia Prime Time News: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/chongqing-connectivity-initiative-set-for-expansion-10175814
Photo gallery: https://www.facebook.com/pg/WiseNetAsiaPteLtd/photos/?tab=album&album_id=777010349163941