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WiseNet Asia’s talent transition solutions are catered to expatriate and their families, and also for employees affected by organisational changes such as retrenchment and lay off. Our services offered are Outplacement Services, Spousal Relocation Services, and Executive Coaching.

Our talent transition consulting team comprises of highly experienced multi-cultural professionals from diverse industries and backgrounds. During organisational changes and individual career transition, our consultants understand employers’ needs to maintain the employer brand, the complex emotions of employees undergoing transitions, and the support structure needed for relocating expatriates. We have come up with a series of measurable processes and methodologies to help organisations and transiting employees during their period of change.

Let Us Help You!

Wesley Hui

WeChat ID: WiseNetAsia
+65 9661 9473


Helping displaced professionals onto the next career stage

WiseNet Talent Transition’s Outplacement Service provides retrenched and laid-off employees with professional support in finding a new job, as well as to assist leaders in managing the transition process effectively, within the organisation.

We understand that restructuring or downsizing exercises can be a traumatic experience for employees. Our Outplacement service provides tailored transition advice for professional through coaching sessions, to help them beef up their skills and create the right opportunities for themselves.

The outplacement programme is driven by the Wise Care Program, where deliverables and benefits for both employers and employees are identified and measured. The key objective of this program is to ensure affected staff goes through a smooth transition into their next career of choice; whilst minimizing disruption on employees’ morale.

Getting that job fit

We match professional’s goals and skill set, together with opportunities in the job market.

The basis of our customized outplacement programme stem from the successful methodology used in WiseNet Asia’s Talent Acquisition services. This process includes active listening, followed by identification of the most pressing problems, and subsequently, helping them to find the right solution to move forward.

Panel of expertise

WiseNet Asia’s Outplacement Services are made up of senior advisors in their respective field of expertise, coming from diverse industries and backgrounds, equipped with a wide range of knowledge and skills to provide professional training and coaching to your employees.

Our outplacement programme includes the following specific area of expertise:

  • Career Counselling
  • One-to-one Coaching Sessions
  • Job Hunting Refreshment Tips
  • Personality and Career Assessment Tests
  • Personal and Career Goals Planning

Helping spouses settle into a new life abroad with their working partner

Ease of global mobility has become an increasing challenge to any organisation looking to expand their operations internationally. Aside from individual in-adaptibility and inadequate compensation schemes, considerations on the impending difficulties to be faced by the trailing spouse were cited as the 2nd highest reason professional turn down relocation job offers.

WiseNet Asia Talent Transition can eliminate hurdles faced by the trailing spouse. Our spousal relocation services help them; not just to gain a deeper understanding and adapt to the culture of the country they are relocated to – but also ensure they set a direction and the goals they would like to achieve out of this relocation experience.

Our talent transition team works closely with families relocating, to make the transition of relocating, a welcoming one. We equip the trailing spouse career skills and knowledge to help them land a career and alleviate the financial burden of the relocating employee.

WiseNet Talent Transition Program has identified two main categories of spouses for a tailored consultative approach.

Trailing Spouse Relocation

When relocating an employee, taking care of the comfort of his/her family (particularly a trailing partner) is just as important as ensuring the employee enjoys a smooth transition. Adaptability –  to a new community, new home, new friends, new environment and the new job of the working spouse –  is the critical success factor to ensure a smooth transition.

 Working Spouse Relocation

The relocation process for an employee and his/her spouse is a tedious one. A working spouse can wield a significantly larger influence in the employee’s willingness to relocate, as compared to a trailing-domestic spouse. WiseNet Asia’s Talent Transition offers a working spouse relocation program that aims to address the unique challenges faced by spouses. We have local and expert consultants that can help shorten the transition process drastically, persuade relocating employees towards a positive decision and improve the chances of a smooth, successful relocation.

Our spouse relocation program provides individualised coaching to relocating spouses in support of their transition efforts. With our partnership, we can increase the retention of new or existing global mobility employees, by providing support to the trailing spouse – helping them streamline their job search and secure their next local position successfully.

Other components of the working spouse relocation program include (but not limited to):

  • Assessment to match the relocating partner with the most suitable talent transition consultant
  • Transition planning and job search preparation
  • Career evaluation, decision making and goals alignment
  • Professional resume development services
  • Market research and target employer list development

Just as employees are any organisation’s most valued commodity, their spouses, too, deserve the utmost attention in their relocation support.

CONTACT US today to find our how we can help with your global mobility plans.

Helping wise leaders anticipate and prepare for change

Our executive coaching services will help you adapt to the tides of change with a comprehensive range of strategies, education and practices that will keep you at the height of your game.