You are here: Home 》 Consulting 》Company Registration
Setting up a company in Singapore is quick and simple without unnecessary formalities. Singapore is reliably positioned as perhaps the best spot in the world to work.
Business Start-Up Services
- Institution of Onshore and Offshore corporations, or Representative Offices
- Provision of Nominee Directors and Shareholders
- Application for Work Passes
- Helping to look for workplace
- Recruitment
Company Incorporation Requirements
- Minimum of 1 director who has to be an ordinarily resident in Singapore i.e. Singaporean/Singapore PR/Singapore employment pass holder
- Minimum one individual shareholder or one company body as 100 percent shareholder is needed
- Minimum paid-up capital is S$1
- Time taken to incorporate a company is about two hours to one day
- All non-public controlled corporations need to have a company secretary
Company Incorporation Package
- Name application and incorporation
- Advise on the acceptable paid-up capital
- Government registration fee
- Government filing fees for reservation of one name
- Share certificates
- Common seal
- Written record & statutory registers
- Memorandum & Articles of Association
- Opening of first bank account
- Company profile, courier and other miscellaneous expenses
Nominee Director
A private company needs a minimum of one individual director as follow:
- Singapore national OR
- Singapore permanent resident OR
- Singapore employment/dependent pass holder
Let Us Help You!
Wesley Hui
WeChat ID: WiseNetAsia
+65 9661 9473