Youth Career Coaching: Everything You Need to Know

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Are you worried about the direction of your life? Or the next steps to take? Or what the future holds? Are you confused about your career path? This worry is called ‘quarter-life crisis’ and affects 86% of millennials. In fact, it has been said that for millennials, it is not a question of ‘if’ it will happen but rather, ‘when’ it will happen.

Do you need an objective and honest opinion about your chances in the job market and your career field? Have you often set out to achieve goals but were unable to do so because of lack of motivation? Perhaps, you are not a millennial, you are just unsatisfied with your present career but do not know what to do to get your dream, desired job. We are here to help you get through this phase and walk with you till you get to your dream destination.

In a society like ours where a premium is rightly placed on respecting and obeying the wisdom of elders, this might be a source of concern to you because while the elderly people in your life are prudent, sagacious and perceptive in handling life matters, they might either be too busy or simply do not have modern skills and insights needed in today’s highly competitive working world.

WiseNet Asia Youth Career Coaching Location and Reach?

You can find us in Singapore and Chongqing. Subsequently, we shall expand our reach to include other countries that are part of the Association of South Eastern Nations (ASEAN) and other parts of China.

Why do you need Career Coaches?

Post covid-19, businesses that are badly affected have to resort to retrenchments or reducing working hours to cope with the damages.  For employees or for those who are looking for jobs, this has led to a lot of anxieties and uncertainties about the next steps to take. Career coaches are essential for this period and beyond to help position your dream job. Career coaching is not merely for the unemployed, it is also for those who are not satisfied with their present jobs. For both of these groups of people, career coaches help to bridge the gap between the current situation and their desired goals.

Here’s a look at how a professional career coach can make a difference in an individual’s career path:

  • A professional career coach gives practical advice that will enable a job seeker to make informed decisions. They will be able to do this by effectively studying the market, career trends and through working with top professionals who know the steps to a successful career and ensuring that the job seeker is the right fit. Some of our career coaches are retired professionals with years of experience behind them.
  • A professional career coach knows how to engage in the right conversations to explore a job seeker’s strengths and weaknesses, with the major aim being to help the individual consolidate their strengths whilst also working on their weaknesses. This helps to ensure that the job seeker is trained and prepared to fit into the demands of the market.
  • A professional career coach advises steps for job candidates to sell themselves in a captivating manner. Most employers get a lot of job applications daily. How can one stand out in the midst of such stiff competition?

Career coaches ensure that a job seeker is developed in such that they do not need to search for jobs but they will be needed. This might be done through mock interviews by the Coach or generally building their confidence or scouting out places where an internship may be done to gather skills and experience.

Career coaches, by training and experience often unearth problems to a successful career that clients, most of the time do not realize are hindrances to achieving their set goals. Career coaches help a person to leverage on their existing network as well as expand the scope of their connections. At the end of the training by a coach, clients are fitted with skills necessary to thrive in the competitive job market.

What is Included in a Career Coaching Package?

Generally, career coaching packages differ and it would depend on what the client seeks. The entire package is determined by:

  • The number of sessions that a client wants to have with a Career Coach
  • The services that a client wants (do you want your resume repackaged or your remuneration increased or a boost of your confidence?)
  • The level of accountability that a client would want through follow up calls

Does Career Coaching Works?

Certainly! Our career coaches have personal interactions with clients as such, when advice is given, it is given not just from the wealth of experience of the coach but will also contain advice suited to the particular circumstances and even temperament of our clients.

Additionally, private enterprise career coaches constantly have to keep in touch with the market and career trends and as such, they are up-to-date in every aspect of work. This is very important to note as the career coaching offered by Universities are restricted to either employment guidance or by dealing only with career planning’
