AI is Shaping Our Future and it is Not Slowing Down Anytime Soon

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Tech Trends in 2022 and Future

Brace yourself, the next big thing in the tech sphere that could ultimately impact our life is when artificial intelligence (AI) teaches itself to achieve goals that humankind have yet to achieve, or have a hard time achieving.

2020 and 2021 are no doubt the toughest times for many generations – from baby boomers, millennials to Gen Z. Though there are still lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which causes fear, uncertainty and doubt in humankind, it is not surprising that people may think that the world’s progress have reached a plateau, or worse declining.

However, on the flipside, scientists have made huge advancements through research on artificial intelligence in the recent years. Many people still associate AI with science fiction robots, but in reality, AI improves and streamlines our day-to-day processes, eliminating repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing us to accomplish more in less time.

AI makes it possible for machines to learn from experience and perform human tasks, from customer service, to self-driving cars, from tools aiding us in avoiding traffic, instant translation of machines, offering books, movies and music recommendations are just some forms of examples that AI has taken up today.

Here are five interesting AI trends that will change our lives in 2022 and beyond:

  1. Bigger, bolder and better language modeling

Language modeling is a process that allows machines to comprehend and communicate with humans in a language that both understands.

Data scientists and engineers have been working on this for years and it seems to be coming into fruition, the most plausible and logical way of achieving this is by taking natural human languages and turn them into computer codes that can run applications and programs.

This is one step closer to being able to create a universal language and hold conversations that are indistinguishable from those of humans.

  1. Shifting the Future of Working

With the occurrence of a sudden pandemic that has shifted the ways of how we work, with employees being accustomed to remote working, organizations are going to need to leverage technologies seamlessly to enable collaboration for all employees regardless of location.

With tools like Slack, Zoom, Cisco, Discord, Microsoft, Google and Salesforce, we can expect to see a software and hardware boom that will continue to advance where new operating systems for work will be built to improve meeting equity and enable a level of unmatched collaboration.

The work shift is also changing how we interact and function to enable us to be more productive. More tools are going to be deployed rather than just employees living in their inboxes, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and traditional productivity tools.

  1. Effective self-driving cars powered by lithium-ion batteries

Over the coming decade, AI will inevitably guide autonomous cars, aircrafts and other moving vehicles that is going to revolutionize travel and society.

Based on an research article by WHO, approximately 1.3 people die of traffic accidents every year, and 90% were caused by human errors. When the public starts adopting the use of autonomous cars, the rates of traffic accidents will decrease tremendously.

As effective autonomous cars start penetrating into the automobile industry with further good news, Tesla says that its cars will demonstrate full self-driving capability by 2022 but more testing has to be done prior before it can be sold to the public and ready for general use.

  1. Increased adoption of Creative AI

It is a known fact that AI is being used to create art, music and video games, but 2022 will be a game changer, Google Brain, who are literally the brain behind Google’s AI research team under the umbrella of Google AI, a research division at Google dedicated to AI – they are set to redefine the boundaries of what is possible, as we can expect more creative output from them.

For instance, when AI is increasingly being applied to routine creative tasks, such as designing logos and infographics and more. Creativity has long often been seen as a human skill but we are now experiencing these capabilities appearing in machines, meaning AI is moving a step closer in terms of scope and function in what we constitute as genuine, authentic intelligence.

  1. Advanced AI in Cybersecurity

In 2021, World Economic Forum identified cybercrime as a potentially significant risk to society than terrorism itself.

This comes as a shock because physical weapons used in warfare used to be the biggest threat among all but ever since technology advanced in such an unprecedented rate where machines have almost total control of our lives, hacking and cybercrime have inevitably become a major nuisance for governments, businesses and individuals. For example, every connected device we add to a network is a potential risk where a hacker could use against us.

Here is where AI intervenes to save the day, by analyzing network traffic and learning how to recognize patterns that suggest nefarious intentions, regardless of locations, smart algorithms are playing a vital role in keeping our data and ourselves safe.

AI relies heavily on natural language processing and deep learning, not only is it just a technology but it has gradually but steadily seep into our daily lives. Many find it fascinating that AI has fully become intertwined in our lives and existence, we rely on technology on a daily basis in our lives without even realizing when did it occur.

Though unfamiliar to many at first but through curiosity and our willingness to adapt and learn, we have successfully embraced tech into our daily lives without hesitation due to the benefits it brings.

Artificial Intelligence is impacting the future virtually in every industry, and also humankind. AI is the main driver of great technologies like big data and robotics, needless to say, AI will continue to act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future.
